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Chilaquiles con juevos
Tacos de tortilla dura
Bebida exótica
Café filtrado
La carne y del queso
Cafe mañanero
Alimentos Pascua
Acerca de Onlyfans

Welcome to)

Onlyfans of Turista Tv Magazine

It is a rewards program with discounts on participating  products and services.

To obtain these discounts, only acquire the membership in the payment plan that  more suits you, either monthly or semi-annually.

To make the offer or discount valid, it is important to understand the terms

and conditions of each.


Choose your pricing plan


    Every month
    precios en dolares
    Valid for 12 months
    • Cupones con descuentos en
    • Comida,Productos y Servicios
    • Participa en la Rifa
    • al terminar el segundo mes

    Valid for 3 months
    • 3 Meses de Acceso a Onlyfans
    • 1 Boleto para Rifa
  • Best Value


    Valid for 6 months
    • Un solo pago vale por 6 meses
    • de recompensas en cupones
    • Obtienes una entrada a la Rifa
Pago por descarga

The most effective way to sell your services online

An empty table is a lost sale.

Is your restaurant empty on weekdays? Promote it 24/7 with digital coupons and stop waiting until the weekend to have a full house

The solution is to use the same discount programs used by large food chains to attract regular customers to the store all week and make them repeat customers.

sell up to 32% more advertising with us

Offer free download coupons, offers   and take your restaurant or business to the next level with advertising that does deliver results


Give more visibility to your services and increase your sales

Advertise in the members section in just 48 hours

Answer a short form, define the terms and conditions of your coupon at your convenience.

What do I need to start publishing?

  1. Offer your product or service with a minimum of 30% discount on the list price.

  2. Consider a minimum coupon validity period of 45 days from the day it was loaded.

  3. Upload the image of each coupon or coupons to  JPG or PNG file with the best possible quality

  4. And that's all, don't forget to offer the best service to your clients.

Sube tus códigos de descuentos

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Gracias por registrarse,estaremos en contacto

Account for deposits and transfers


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